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Sixt Ride Details

Heuristic evaluation ad data-driven design of the last page in the Ride booking funnel.

The context 

At Sixt Ride, teams work in a very agile way. Stakeholders bring business cases and the team gathers customer feedback and data in order to understand what to do and the priority.

When a user story is created, the team goal is to quickly validate it’s value therefore quick development, when possible, is done in order to test ideas with a specif amount of users, sometimes using testing approaches like A/B testing, or user behavior evaluation with Google analytics.

The problem

As many of these stories are being developed and brought to the production environment very quickly, some times, specific screens could be found with multiple tests running parallelly. These tests are great as they allow the team to understand if they should keep features, improve them or discard them.

The problem is that many times these tests are successful and new tests are developed quickly on the same screen. this has a great impact on the user experience as many times these tests are thought individually but not cohesively, resulting in a clustered without hierarchy screen.

The goal

As the team could see that the Ride details screen had grown inconsistently, we decided to work on it a improve the user experience using data without sacrificing features that were already tested and validated.

The data

Ride’s product owner and I checked different sources of data in order to understand which would be the best way to design this screen.

We analyzed our quantitative users’ behavior with this screen using Google analytics and saw, for example, how many times they were introducing comments to the driver and how many of them were requesting child seats.

We also used qualitative data that we compiled through Hotjar comments and surveys, and user testing as well, in order to understand what was the job-to-be-done of this screen.

Using all this information we could found patterns that later allow me, as UX designer, to prioritize and improve the layout of the screen as well as the different parts of it.

The Insights

Cover images

At first sight, we realized that the cover images were taking in between 36% and 50% of the screen (depending on the device). We validated that this approach was no adding value to users through user testing and decided to reduce the space the cover image takes to up to 18% of the screen to be able to use most of Sixt images and a standard proportion.


Class Information

Many users arrive at this screen previously to book but in order to see the benefits of the class as well. While doing user testing we could see that users were more conscious about 3 pieces of information when choosing a class: Amount of passengers, amount of bags and the flexibility of the ride. We decided to show mainly these 3 pieces of information and the rest of the benefits on a separate screen.

insight class.png

Trip Details

Some users needed confirmation of their trip before booking and, as Sixt Ride offers scheduled rides, users wanted to see pick up and destination location and times in an easy to understand way.

We prioritized this information and created a new component in our design system that would work for multiple platforms and adapt to many use cases.

insight trip.png

Additional Information

With the data collected on Google Analytics, we understood how likely was a user to interact with one of these options that allow them to customize somehow their trip.
We referred to Sixt Rent user flow to standardize it through the app and created the most logical paths to introduce this information.


Footer / CTA

Through user testing, we saw that the footer was performing well but we decided to run A/B testing to understand if a sticky footer would have more conversion and the results were positive, therefore, we improved the text hierarchy, the CTA and make the footer sticky in multiple devices.

insight footer.png


Through data-driven design, we could optimize the screen layout and information boosting user experience and conversion. 



  • Google analytics

  • Moderated user testing

  • Stakeholder interviews

  • Hotjar


  • Wireframing

  • Sketch

  • Abstract

  • Principle app for mac

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